Maine Guide Experienced
Maine Legislator

Running to serve the communities of Greene, Fayette, Leeds, Lisbon, Litchfield, Livermore, Livermore Falls, Sabattus, Turner & Wales

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Thomas R. Watson

Meet Thom Watson:
Preserving Maine's Wilderness, Serving Maine's People

Thom R. Watson brings a lifetime of service and dedication to his candidacy for the Maine State Senate in District 17. A Vietnam veteran, Thom knows the value of sacrifice and commitment to his country. His distinguished career as a senior attorney for the Maine Workers' Compensation Board has seen him fight tirelessly for the rights and well-being of Maine’s working families, ensuring they receive the support and justice they deserve.

Thom’s public service extends to his time in the Maine Legislature, where he represented the people of Bath with integrity and dedication. As a legislator, he worked across party lines to pass meaningful legislation that improved the lives of Maine citizens, always keeping the best interests of his constituents at heart.

His leadership also shines in the cultural and outdoor communities. As a director, producer, and board member of the Chocolate Church Arts Center, Thom has been a steadfast advocate for the arts, enriching the cultural fabric of our community.

His love for Maine’s natural heritage is evident in his work as a Master Maine Guide and his service on the board of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine. Thom understands the importance of preserving our state’s natural beauty and outdoor traditions for future generations.

With deep roots in our community and a proven track record of leadership, Thom Watson is committed to making District 17 an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. Vote for Thom Watson—experience, integrity, and a true passion for Maine’s future.

On The Issues


Thom has demonstrated a strong commitment to fair taxation during his time in the Maine Legislature.

He consistently worked to ensure that Maine’s tax policies are balanced and equitable, particularly for working families and small businesses. Thom played a key role in advocating for tax legislation that aimed to relieve the burden on lower and middle-income residents while ensuring that wealthier individuals contribute their fair share to the state's revenue.

His efforts have been focused on creating a tax system that supports economic growth and provides necessary resources for public services, all while maintaining fairness and justice for all Maine citizens.​


Thom R. Watson's dedication to veterans is deeply rooted in his own experience as a Vietnam veteran.

He understands the sacrifices made by those who serve our country and supports veterans' rights and well-being.

IThom supports better healthcare, access to vital services and to create opportunities for veterans to transition smoothly into civilian life, Thom's commitment to his fellow veterans is unwavering.


Thom R. Watson is committed to fostering economic growth and opportunity in District 17. He understands that a thriving local economy is the foundation of a strong community.

. He believes that by creating a business-friendly environment, supporting the rights of working people and attracting new industries, District 17 can become a hub of innovation and opportunity, providing local, small businesses and residents with the economic stability they need to thrive.


While serving in the legislature, Thom was honored to receive a 100% rating from the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine and consistently high ratings from Maine Conservation Voters.

As a Master Maine Guide, Thom is deeply committed to protecting Maine's natural environment, understanding that the state’s pristine landscapes and abundant natural resources are not just part of its heritage but crucial to its future.


Education is at the heart of Thom R. Watson’s vision for a prosperous Maine. He knows that the future of District 17 depends on the quality of education provided to its children. Thom has been a steadfast advocate for fully funding public schools, ensuring that every child—regardless of their background—has access to the best possible education. He supports policies that reduce classroom sizes, enhance teacher support, and expand access to early childhood education.

Thom also understands the importance of preparing students for the modern workforce, promoting STEM education, vocational training, and partnerships between schools and local businesses. By investing in education, Thom is committed to building a brighter future for all of Maine’s children.


Thom R. Watson has always been a staunch advocate for accessible, affordable healthcare for all Mainers. Recognizing that healthcare is a fundamental right, not a privilege, Thom will work to ensure that every resident of District 17—and across Maine—has access to the medical care they need.

His efforts in the legislature will focus on expanding healthcare coverage, particularly for vulnerable populations such as seniors, veterans, and low-income families.

His commitment to healthcare is rooted in a deep belief that a healthy community is a thriving community, and he continues to fight for a healthcare system that serves everyone, regardless of their income or where they live.

About Thom

Born into a millitary family while stationed near Mendin, Louisiana, Thom graduated from high school at Air Academy High, Colorado Springs. His father died in the spring of his senior year.

He took a Navy ROTC scholarship at the University of South Carolina, graduating in 1969 and commissioned as an Ensign, United States Navy. He entered flight training at Pensacola, Florida and progressed to become a bombadier/navigator flying the A-6 Intruder. That same year he was married and his daughter was born in 1970.

He flew with VA-115 based in Whidbey Island, Washington and served two combat tours in Vietnam flying from the USS Midway. Following the war, the Navy sent him to graduate school, where he earned a Masters in Naval Intelligence and spent a tour in Washington DC with the Naval Intelligence Support Command until 1976, when he was transfered to VP-26 Special Projects, located in Brunswick, Maine.

Maine was the first place he had ever been transferred (including 21 moves in the 18 years he spent as a “military brat”) that he liked enough to stay. When the Navy offered him orders back to sea in 1977, he respectfully declined and decided to stay, enter law school and settle his family in Maine.

He graduated from the University of Maine School of Law in 1982 and joined McTeague, Higbee in Topsham. The Firm specializes in workers' compensation, disability and labor law. He represented no insurance companies, no banks, no employers - only injured workers. He then opened his own practice in Bath in 2001.

From 2002-2010, he served in the Maine Legislature. He left in the end of his final term join the Maine Workers Compensation Board Advocacy program as Staff Attorney.

Thom embodies the values of dedication, service, and integrity through every chapter of his life.

As a Vietnam veteran, Thom demonstrated unwavering courage and commitment to his country. These same values have guided his work as a lawyer and advocate for Maine’s working families.

Since coming to Maine, Thom has also dedicated himself to the arts. He has performed in, directed and produced hundreds of shows, including serving over 40 years running productions with Studio Theatre of Bath and Chocolate Church Arts Center. He also authored Rules of Engagement, a play based on his own experiences in the Vietnam War. He learned his love of theater while hosting a radio show on the USS Midway with his fellow sailors.

He currently serves on the Boards of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine and Chocolate Church Arts Center.

Since retirement, he loves to spend time with his daughter and grandchildren as well as hunt & fish in the Maine wilderness. He is excited continue to devote his time and energy to the State of Maine by serving in the Maine Senate.